The Architect’s Eye: a Datsun 1600 (510) Two Door

Two things really stand out about this immaculate Datsun 1600 photographed by local architect and semi-regular UMPH contributor Mark Drury:  Number one, it’s a two door sedan which, as far as the UMPH team are aware, was not a body style officially released here in Australia.  And number two, it’s wearing a grille not available Down Under, either.  

Interestingly, there's a second variant of the1600 in two door form - also unavailable to Aussie buyers - known as the Bluebird SSS.  It was a JDM release, although several examples are known to have been imported into the US, as featured in this Petrolicious video:

Today's example featured perfect paint, panels and chrome, a set of what might be Simmons wheels, some LED halo headlights and a neat chin spoiler.  The fore and aft side marker lights suggest that it's possibly an ex-US car (AusDM cars didn't feature said accessories, although JDM editions may have), as does that grille.  A left- to right-hand drive conversion wouldn't have beeen difficult; there's still a keen local following for 1600s ensuring that parts aren't too hard to find.

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Photos by Mark Drury 


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