CMI Cryptic Drive in the Country and Lunch at Bothwell

It occurs to me, as I sit at my computer, shuffling images and attempting to turn a really fun day's outing into narrative, that part of Graham Mitchell's genius is to be found in his venue selections. Salamanca Place - on Hobart's waterfront, where Club Motori Italia's 2020 cryptic country drive kicked off - was established in 1804. Bothwell's pub - The Castle, where the event culminated - has been continuously licensed since 1829, pre-dating the town's post office by three years. You very likely didn't know any of this and were probably also unaware that, once you did, you'd find it quite interesting. The way Graham book-ended the event between historic Tasmanian sandstone was, to my mind at least, the very spirit of a cryptically-themed event and, therein, lies his twisted genius! That or I'm just reading way too much into it!* As already mentioned, the day began in Salamanca Place - at The Retro, to be more accurate - with a dozen o...