
Showing posts from July 21, 2024

Noosa Concours d’ Elegance, 2024, Part 1: The Italians

  A canny writer would’ve probably kicked this piece off with the $35,000,000 - that’s thirty five  M I L L I O N  dollar! - Ferrari 250 LM that we’ll get to soon enough.  Or any of the other truly magnificent Ferraris, Maseratis, or Lamborghinis featured at the 2024 Noosa Concours d’ Elegance.  But I won’t.   I’ve chosen to go with this immaculate, and clearly somewhat more affordable, 1950 Fiat 1400 cabriolet.  Why?   Because anyone who’s even slightly interested in Italian cars is likely to have at least seen a picture of the mega-bucks Ferrari but it’s likely that very, very few will even know of the humbler, yet also exquisitely beautiful, Fiat. So, is this Ferrari 250 LM Australia’s most expensive car?   Probably.  However, to focus too heavily on its astronomical price tag is to ignore that it’s an extraordinarily beautiful machine, low, aerodynamic and oh-so 1960s’ Italian! According to everyone’s favourite online search engine, the LM - standing for Le Mans - was unveiled at