Classics by the Beach: April, 2021

The April '21 installment of Classics by the Beach kicked off bright and early, possibly due to the disparity between the indicative post-daylight savings time and the reality of attendees' sleep patterns! It may be that lots of people are commonly there at 9:00 am but, personally speaking, I doubt that I've ever fronted up that early in the six or more years that I've racked-up as a semi-regular attendee. As usual, there were a number of cars that knocked me sockless, not the least of which was the beautiful HR Premier shown above and below. Chris' Bentley also shone, as did the amazing S series Valiant (the model after the push button transmission version) depicted further down the page, plus an EH, a World War 2 Jeep and a number of other rippers. The uppermiddlepetrolhead editorial team don't generally theme their offerings, preferring instead to present what they find, where they find it and not to focus too much on anything specific. However, if there...