
Showing posts from June 16, 2024

Three Reasons Why This is Tasmania’s Ugliest "Porshe"

Reason # 1:   Its exterior finish is appalling, looking for all the world as if it's been dragged from the depths of Hobart's River Derwent!      Reason # 2:  The registration plates are an affront to literacy!      Reason # 3:  The owner did it all on   purpose !   And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what we at uppermiddlepetrolhead like to call a wrap. Did you enjoy this article?  If so, why not browse the rest of the uppermiddlepetrolhead site?  There are loads and loads of classic, sports and performance vehicles featured, as well as stacks of car shows and motorsports events.  Even better, you can follow either the 'blog itself or do so via Upper Middle Petrol Head's Facebook page.   And please do like and share! U M P H ( iPhone images.

Five Reasons Why This is Australia's Coolest EH Ute

  Reason # 1:  The bodywork would appear to be entirely original.  And even if it's not, whenever it last saw a tin of paint likely predates the build dates of many, many so-called classic cars by a couple of decades or more. Reason # 2:  Everything points to it being straight as a die, with no evidence of it ever having been seriously bingled.  There's no penetrating rust, either.  Not even a hint of it. Reason # 3:  As you can see, it's still a working vehicle, 60-ish years after it was built.  Doing manly, utey things: carting stuff - classic Aussie car parts, by the looks of it - just like it was intended to do. Reason # 4:   Other than a set of old school widened steelies and a roof-top antenna, it's bog standard.  It might've originally been ordered with a full set of mud flaps, some fancy door handle trims and a set of Venetians, but that's about it.  No multi-post bull bar.  Nothing in the way of spot lights, either.  There isn't so much as an R M