From the South East Queensland Bureau: a 1972 Alfa 2000 GTV

This stunning 1972 Alfa GTV comes to us via our South East Queensland correspondent, who photographed it at a cars and coffee event in Brisbane, Australia, in early autumn, 2022.  It certainly is a magnificent example of the marque!

The car belongs to a Peter who is not our SEQLD correspondent and was bought from Melbourne, Victoria, a few years ago.  Since purchasing it, owner Peter has been attending to a few faults, although, thankfully, rust has not been a significant issue.  The wheels are copies of the classic Alfa design, made in Germany and certified for racing.  Also new is the instrument cluster, from Slovakia, and the door cards, which came via UK firm Classic Alfa (  A new paint job is on the do-do list, although it's not too shabby as it is!   

Both SEQLD correspondent Peter and owner of today's feature car Peter have previously owned 147s, with the latter having also had a 159 in his stable.  Sadly, SEQLD correspondent Peter's car - known affectionately, if not slightly confusingly, as Aurelia - was drowned during extensive flooding in Brisbane and is no more.  Vale, Aurelia!  

If I were the sort of bloke that went for tattoos, this serpent-eats-man motif might be adorning my scrawny upper arm!



Photos by the SEQLD Correspondent.


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