Club Motori Italia's October, 2021, Domain Hill Climb

My laptop has had one of its hissy-fits again, having decided to randomly assign the order of all the photographs I took at CMI's 2021 Hobart Domain hill climb with no regard to chronology or the manner in which I'd like to present them.  Therefore, many of the images featured here are out of order, unless I've corralled them with some semblance of logic in mind, trying to show a participant's line through a corner or something like that.  Please enjoy!


Thanks go to CMI's organisers, officials and volunteers for another excellent hill climb, as well as the drivers and their crews for putting on such a great show!  The City of Hobart and its citizens also deserve our appreciation, as without the cooperation of both it wouldn't be possible to stage such an event.

For the day's results, please go to: .  Other photographers' excellent images are also available to view on CMI's Face Book page ( 

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Alastair Watson 




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