CMI Cryptic Trial: May, 2021

Team Roberts' car du jour (file images from the UMPH archives

If memory serves correctly, the Roberts family are CMI's most consistent cryptic triallers of late, having taken out first and / or second place in August 2020's Bothwell run and in the Tasman Peninsula event during November the same year.  It looks like their top of the table position will be consolidated in 2021, too, with Tristan, Emily, Jasper and Stella crewing an uncle's beautiful Fiat 2300S coupe to secure another podium finish in Graham Mitchell's latest installment of the popular social competition, which was held in the Huon and Dover areas in May.

Fun for the whole family:  Jasper accepts Team Roberts' third place prize.    

However, relative newcomers Juanita and Alastair Watson ('75 Galant hardtop) - who scored a third in the Tasman Peninsula round in their X1/9 - are threatening the overall lead, beating Mathew Keating and Katherine by a slim margin on the day, relegating them to second place, with Team Roberts in third.    

Team Watson enjoy their maiden win!

Fourth place went to Stewart and Linda Peacock, while fifth was taken by Peter and Annette Lowe.  The scores were close; only one point separated each of the first five spots, with the others all within bull's roar of each other.

Graham: No correspondence will be entered into!

Thanks, as always, to Graham for devising another cranium strainium inducing route with plenty of quirky clues, great Tasmanian scenery and brilliant driving roads.  His choice of lunch time venue - the Southport Hotel - was very suitable, too.  And, finally, thank you to all the entrants for helping to make the whole event such a fun day out!



Photos by Tristan and Alastair.


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