Random # 391: 1982 XE Fairmont ESP Ghia

This lovely Fairmont Ghia - photographed in the Tamar wine region, just west of Launceston, Tasmania - appears to be the rarer and more desirable ESP, as it features the Scheel sports seats that were available as part of that model designation.  

ESP stands for European Sports Pack, which, according to Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Falcon_(XE), accessed 31 MAR 21), carried the internal Ford code "Option 54."

Probably the best source of info on the ESPs is Which Car's buyers' guide (https://www.tradeuniquecars.com.au/buyers-guide/1908/1980-1984-ford-falcon-esp-xd-xe-buyers-guide, accessed 31 MAR 21), as it lists all the engine / transmission combinations and features available on these cars, not the least of them being 5.8 and 4.9 litre V8s or fuel injected 4.1 litre straight six donks, four wheel discs, a slightly lowered stance, Bilstein shockies, and heavier-duty coils and anti-sway bars.

The same article also suggests that there's some esoteric differences between the "snowflake" wheels fitted to ESPs and those adorning the non-sporty variant of the Fairmont Ghia (ibid) but just what they might be remains a mystery to all but the cognoscenti.

There's also an explanation of the various liveries that they were offered with, which suggests that this particular example hails from 1982, as that was the only year that two-toned duco was offered.

In terms of condition, the car featured here was a gem with straight, rust-free panels, apparently original paint that is free of scratches and chips, good plastics and an unmarked interior.

There was nothing to say whether it was a V8 or a six, but I'd suggest that the latter was the more likely powerplant.  



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