Readers' Photos # 100: ex-Zimbawe Mercedes W111

According to Google's very, very clever image search facility, this is a Mercedes W111, meaning that it was built between 1959 and 1971, although I suggest this one's from towards the beginning of that period.  Wikipedia informs me that its German nickname was the Heckflosse, which is a reference to its tail-fins that took their influence from contemporary American cars.

Car geek that I am, and as interesting as those snippets are, that's not what's got me hooked.  I surmise - and that's all that this is, an educated guess, at best - that it's possibly an ex-Rhodesian / Zimbabwean embassy or consulate car, or possibly belonged to a diplomatic official from that country serving in Australia.


Why?  1.  Rhodesia became Zimbawe in 1965, half way through the W111's production run;  2.  There's a sticker on the rear window advertising John ...'s Auto Exhausts (the print is slightly damaged), with branches in both the Zimbabwean capital, Harare, and the not too distant city of Bulawayo; 3. its Australian Capital Territory rego plates are apparently very early, dating from before the Y-prefix that's been on Canberran cars as long as I can remember, suggesting that it's been Down Under for decades; and 4.  Canberra, as we all know, hosts all nations with whom Australia has official relations' embassies.    

Either way, it's an interesting car that may have a fascinating history.  And that's why cars aren't just things!  They're cultural artefacts, just like architecture, infrastructure and art, often telling or providing glimpses into history.  For instance, who originally drove this car?  What intrigues played out in it as it drove about in 1960s Canberra?  Are any of the original people connected with it still even alive?  If they were, they'd probably be knocked sockless to know that it still exists! 

A clue ...

 Know anything about this car?   If so, please leave a comment.  



Photos by the Canberra Correspondent.


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