Readers' Photos # 81: EJ Holden Special Sedan

The condition of this lovely old girl, a EJ Holden from the early 1960s, probably says something about Canberra's relatively car-friendly climate.  Sure, the Australian Capital Territory has summers hotter than Satan's digestery tract and winters that have resulted in a disproportionately high population of squeaky-voiced brass monkeys, but that's just a consequence of being an inland location.  

However, the flip-side of being 150 kilometers or so from the nearest salt water - in this case,  the Pacific Ocean off Australia's east coast - is that heavy corrosion seems to be less prevalent on local vehicles.  The Canberra Correspondent notes that this particular car's paint has taken a battering from the harsh sun, exposing some of the metal and resulting in some light surface rust, but the body's otherwise straight and rot-free.  Its condition very much mirrors that of the EH ute he sent in a couple of weeks ago.   

It's pretty clear that the duco is genuinely as-is patina and actually adds to the venerable Holden's charm.  I'm sure that it'd be the envy of the rat-rodder set, many of whom put a fair effort into replicating the sun-distressed look on their magnificent creations.  



Photos by the Canberra Correspondent



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