Readers' Photos # 73: VW Beetle "Automatic Stick-Shift"

I think this dopey-eyed old Beetle is rather lovely.  The lady owner told UMPH's Special Correspondent for West Hobart that she's owned it for the last 20 years, it's her only-ever car, and she originally bought it when she lived in New South Wales.

Interestingly, it's equipped with a clutchless three speed manual transmission which, until today, I'd never heard of.  A bit of VW forum-foraging soon had me in the know, though; the gear knob has a switchy-sensor type device that engages a solenoid which, in turn, kicks in an electrically-actuated vacuum clutch.  So it's really clutch-pedal-less, if you wish to be pedantic.

I believe that Porsche once had a similar system, although I can't imagine that their version was a three-cogger.  Honda and Mazda have both offered clutchless manuals, too, but not for many years.  And as far as tech goes, we're not talking flappy paddle-shift here!



Images supplied.


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