The Best of Classics by the Beach (Some of them, Anyway)

I suppose that, in the whole scheme of things, missing out on my regular first Sunday of the month outing to Sandy Bay's Classics by The Beach isn't a huge deal, what with Covid-19 and all that rot.  So, rather than dwell on its temporary cessation, I've gone through my photos and put together half a dozen of my favourites, whether they're interesting cars or just images that I particularly like.  This selection is from late 2015.  I hope you enjoy them, too. 

Is this your first time on uppermiddlepetrolhead?  There are plenty more classic, sports and performance cars, as well as car shows and motorsports meetings, on the site that you might enjoy.  Just use the search facility - the magnifying glass icon - in the top right hand corner of the screen to look for any type of vehicle or Tasmanian automotive event.  Please enjoy! 




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