Readers' Photos # 67: TG Gemini Sedan

Thirty odd years ago, I'd have rolled about on the ground urinating myself laughing at the prospect of liking a Holden Gemini.  However, here we are in the third decade of the 21st century and not only do I like one, I'm (almost) in raptures over the example featured today, recently sent in from the UMPH Canberra Bureau.  

It's ostensibly stock, save the ultra-tasty BBS basket-weave wheels but it's a fair bet that someone's put a lot of effort into the duco, such is its lustrous depth.  The interior appears to be just as perfect, too.

A simple Google search is enough to reveal that there's a flourishing Gemini scene, with plenty of great examples of sedans and wagons from the TC of the mid-1970s, right through to early- to mid-1980s TGs like the one shown here.  Sadly, the now much sought after coupe is a little less common, which might be attributable to some degree to their manufacture having ceased in 1979 (Wikipedia).

As prevalent as Geminis might be on-line, it's surprising how few of them seem to be on the road.  They're certainly not as ubiquitous as they once were when every man and his dog's girlfriend, sister or mother seemed to own one, as did the odd bloke who wasn't manly enough to own a Galant ( 😀).



Photos by CACT


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