Readers' Photos # 52: 1957 Chevrolet

Regular UMPH correspondent Mikey snapped this quintessentially American classic in Blenheim, New Zealand, on one of his not infrequent overseas jaunts.  I suspect that GMH Australia were influenced just a tiny bit by their State-side cousins and this car when they penned the design of their own EK / FB Holdens.

As a local aside, ex-Whitlam Labour Government minister and former leader of the Tasmanian Opposition Ken Wriedt used to drive a cary very, very similar to the one shown here.  However, from memory (he and his family lived in the same eastern shore suburb of Hobart as me), Ken's was mainly light blue.  It wasn't uncommon to see him or his wife dropping their two daughters off at my school in what we then described as their "Yank tank."

Amusingly, my father was convinced that Mr Wriedt was a Communist and therefore not to be trusted!  I suspect this was total bollocks but I suppose his car wouldn't have looked out of place in Havana and may still fit in there, even to this day. 



Photos supplied.


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  2. Hi, Peter. I can't take credit for the photo, as my friend Mikey took it and sent it to me. He's submitted a few over the years.


    A G W

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