Random # 286: New York Classic Yellow "Checker" Cab

Sadly, New York City's classic yellow "checker" taxi cabs have had to make way for more supposedly environmentally friendly options, which has seen the fleet now largely comprise of Toyota Priuses and other hybrid appliances.  There is, however, an upside:  one enterprising Victorian has created a wedding car hire company, Checker Cab Weddings (https://checkercabweddings.com.au/the-cars/), using a modest fleet of the iconic 1950s' versions of NYC's most famous vehicle.    

Having been lucky enough to have recently seen two of them in action in Melbourne, I can say that they make stunning wedding cars with their distinctive original - but fully restored - interiors, yellow duco and checkered livery.  They're all as-was when they did duty in the city that never sleeps, complete with top lights and red "flags", from whence the term flag-fall originates.

Like the classic London cab, they are instantly recognisable and really stand out in a world of largely generic vehicles.  However, they've got a style all of their own - an attitude, you might say - that makes their British counterparts look dowdy by comparison!  I just love them!  



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