Readers' Photos # 33: Classic Mini Cooper S

When the Italian Correspondente isn't overseas seeing the world's best cars, they come to him, right here in Tasmania!  This immaculate, very original Mini Cooper S is a case in point and would appear to have been captured whilst Team GTV have been putting in the hard yards on his lovely Alfa (if you haven't already, please see and

I'm not in the habit of consuming my meals from anything but well-washed crockery or, at a pinch, a sterile takeaway container.  However, I've now got a better handle on the whole so clean you could eat your dinner off it thing, as the MIni's engine bay really does convey a genuine sense of catering-grade cleanliness.  The rest of the car's similarly beautifully presented.  

Do you have car photos you'd like to share?  If so, please feel free to email them to, along with a short description of the car and why it's special to you.



Photos supplied.


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