Readers' Photos # 32: 2018 CMI Hill Climb

The photography team from Upper Middle Petrol Head had planned on joint coverage of the 2018 Club Motori Italia hill climb at Lufra, an hour or so south-east of Tasmania's capital city, Hobart, and actually set about capturing the action from a number of different vantage points.  However, being the well-oiled machine that we are, it's only now that Matt's contribution is being released.  Please enjoy his efforts! 

Like what you've seen in today's post?  Why not take a cruise around the rest of the UMPH site?  Even better, how about becoming a follower?  There's everything from motor-sports events, car shows and random shots of classic vehicles from all around Tasmania and mainland Australia, plus the occasional travel and dining article thrown in for good measure. 



All images captured on a Nikon dSLR by Matt O.


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