Random # 250: Morgan Plus 4

The absence of a driver has rather allowed my imagination to take over for today's post ...

Please indulge me, but what say you to the notion of a moustachioed chap, possibly a pipe smoker, by the name of Roger?  I'm thinking frightfully British with a penchant for tweed, a pint or two or maybe a passable claret, and Miss Bunty Windermere for a girlfriend.

Here's a pic, just in case I've lost you:

Bunty (internet image)

Am I starting to make sense now?

Of course, I shall be dreadfully disappointed should I ever discover that I have anything but nailed my profile of the crew of this splendid Morgan Plus 4!  I mean you couldn't really tour Tasmania in such a spiffing vehicle - vintage suitcases strapped to the boot-rack - and be anything other than described, could you?!

Tally ho, old beans!  The weather's turning beastly!  



All iPhone images


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