Random # 236: It's a Jeep! (a Mitsubishi Jeep)

Yes, unbelievers, the vehicle you see before you is a genuine Jeep and it's also a Mitsubishi.  Still sceptical?  Check out the following link:  https://www.mitsubishi-motors.com/en/innovation/history/year/1950/50_5.html.      

It's a tough-as-nails beast, fully equipped with some very aggressive rubber, a winch and heaps of ground clearance, which, coupled with its very short wheel-base, suggests it'd go just about anywhere.  Just like a real Jeep.  Which it is!  

Unfortunately, UMPH hasn't just bought a Jeep.  He'd like to, though.  This one, if he could!  

If you’re interested, here’s an informative YouTube clip with more details of the marque: https://youtu.be/FMoLy1RECCo.  



All iPhone images.


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