Random # 162: SS Torana Race Car

No proper Aussie boy can resist a bit of AC/DC!  (Just admit it; there's some bogan in all of us.)  No real Aussie man under 80 years of age could fail to be impressed with any of the performance Toranas, either!  And, in the interests of gender equality, UMPH is willing to accept that there might also be more than a few female AC/DC and / or Torana fans in this great country of ours.

This particular car, spotted on its trailer and en route to the Baskerville Historics (https://www.motorsportstas.com.au/event/baskerville-historics), was attracting plenty of attention from male and female admirers alike.  Imagine the reaction had it been fired up!

For those that missed out on the action at the Historics, there's a whole UMPH post devoted to Day 2.  Just search Baskerville in the top right hand corner of the UMPH front page.



All iPhone images.


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