Random # 160: Series 2 Fiat X1/9

This very tidy, apparently original Series 2 Fiat X1/9 is currently for sale, with an asking price of $13,000, or nearest offer.  UMPH is neither a panel-beater beater nor a mechanic but, from a fairly cursory road-side examination, it would appear to be straight and rust free, with no signs of major repairs having been undertaken.  The paint is glossy and of even colour and the tyres are all newish.  Of course, he wouldn't even dare to comment on the mechanical side of things but it wouldn't be hard to have it checked out by one of the local Italian car specialists (who probably know of, and work on, the car anyway - that's Hobart for you!).  

UMPH isn't a car salesman, either.  If, however, you happened to look through all the attached photos, you might well see a phone number of a bloke that's dabbling as one - at least in respect to the car we see here.  And, if it's as good as it looks, it could well turn out to be an astute buy.



All iPhone images.


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