Readers' Photos # 5: FC Holden (King Island Show)

These photographs, taken at Currie during the King Island Show, come to us via the man who may be the island's fourth or even fifth best baker (although, being unplaced in the Show's bread competition, that could be disputed! 😀).

What's not in question, though, is the excellence of the FC Holden Special his photos depict.  

The car's in superb nick, which is no mean feat given that the island - in the middle of Bass Straight, off the north-western coast of mainland Tasmania - is notorious for its salt-laden wind.

It's not uncommon for even newish vehicles to succumb to rust in fairly quick time, making this car's condition particularly impressive.

Old Holdens aren't exactly renowned for their rot-resistance, either; a lot of early examples - right through to the HQs of the 1970s - rusted-out even in more benign environments.

So thanks to our island correspondent for sending his photos.

And congratulations to Angus, who we understand came away with four first places and three seconds in the Show and is managing to be a gracious winner in the face of his parents' lack of success in that arena!



All iPhone7 images.


  1. I guess giving permission to publish can leave you vulnerable to ridicule.

  2. Gentle humour but, yes, at your expense.


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