Readers' Photos # 2: Nick's Beasts

Nick's original XA GT 351 Falcon hard-top.

These three photos chart Nick's rise from 1980s boy-racer to to the pillar of society that he's become.  

Betcha wish you hadn't sold the GT, eh, Nick! 

His more sedate MGB.

And his positively gentlemanly Jag.

If you'd like to share images of your past or current cars on this blog, please email them and a brief outline of the vehicle's history to

Please refer to the U M P H Guide to Car Photography  (;postID=3131145303004047383;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=110;src=postname) for hints on maximising the quality of your images to ensure that they're suitable for publication. 



Photos from / by Nick.


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