Random # 65: Early 70s Ford LTD

UMPH struggled for an adjective with enough gravitas to describe this early 70s Ford LTD.  Stately didn't quite do it.  Imposing didn't work, either.  Elegant?  Not quite but nearly ... .  Regal might have done the trick, had Chrysler not already taken it as the name for one of its Valiant variants.  

Eventually he settled on venerable, as in deserving of respect due to age and character.  And let's face it, that does sum up the car quite well, given that it's forty five-odd years old and has a rather individual - one might say characterful - face. 

It's often seen around Hobart being driven by an elegantly coiffured lady who, if UMPH's recollection is correct, has been at its helm since the early 80s.  It has always been beautifully kept throughout that time and presents as a much, much newer vehicle than it is.

LTDs were the top of Ford's Australian line-up, sitting above the Fairlane but sharing the same stretched platform as that model.  Both the LTD and the Fairlane were based on the Falcon of the time and shared many mechanicals and other parts with that humbler Ford.  However, their equipment levels clearly put them at the luxury end of the market while the styling for both vehicles - especially the LTD's - had more than a hint of Ford's American line-up of the era.     

The big L bonnet ornament.

Louvred pop-up headlights.

Be in no doubt:  This is the top of the tree.

Just in case you forgot ...

Positively heraldic!

This time it's on the boot.

Hammering home the point ...


(uppermiddlepetrolhead.blogspot.com.au .)

All iPhone images.


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