Classics by the Beach: 6th of December, 2015

At the risk of seeming argumentative, UMPH is going to go right out there and contradict several December Classics attendees and scoff at their assertions that they own too many cars.  His logic is that nobody at Classics has too many cars; what they've got - or, put more accurately, what they've not got - is enough storage space to keep their cars in! 

This wild looking Fiat 500 would barely take up any space at all.  Therefore, it would be hard to see why you wouldn't have at least one in your collection.  It could even be argued that two or three wouldn't be excessive, given Bambinos' economy of dimensions.  

A stylish Momo Indy finishes the cockpit off nicely.

This is Neville's 16 valve, 1.6 litre fuel injected Fiat X1/9.  The engine and gearbox are ex-Corolla and were fitted by the previous owner, chocolatier Igor Van Gerwen of Latrobe's House of Anvers, who was planning to run the car in Targa.  However, the regs changed, making it ineligible to compete and leading to its sale.

Neville has a mate who owned a 2 litre Lancia twin cam-powered Exxie.  He reckons the Corolla mod performs better and is more reliable to boot.  As a bonus, Neville was able to replace his whole motor for $600 when he blew his up on a track day.  If only all X1/9 engine problems were so easily solved!  

The fuel injection breaths via the boot, which accounts for the small vent visible over the passengers' side tail light.

Surprisingly roomy: the Corolla twin cam transplant. 

Some lucky P-plater should be feeling pretty pleased with him or herself, as this earlier 3 Series BMW was absolutely immaculate.  The Zender body kit, BBS wheels and Momo Indy steering wheel all complemented the perfect duco beautifully. 

Two of UMPH's favourite cars:  The Mikes' Alfa and Lancia Fulvia Zagato.

He claims he doesn't do it on purpose!

Photobombed by a great dane this time!  Makes a change from that Wood'eap bloke.

An early Ford Anglia.
This Jensen Interceptor is one of at least three in Tasmania.  One of the others features later in this post; another appeared in June, 2015's, UMPH Classics offering.

UMPH doesn't know what sized engine any of the featured Jensens have.  However, even the smallest donk fitted was a 5.9 litre and the biggest was a stonking 7.2!  

The second Interceptor to grace the Bay on the day.

The Panty.

The low-light Morris below is for sale.  Its owner, Graham, is looking for offers around the $10,000 mark but is open to negotiation.  He told UMPH that virtually every last component, from the tyres to the suspension through to the leather upholstery is new.  It really is a lovely car.  Why's Graham selling it?  Not enough room!  What did UMPH say earlier?!  

Go on!  You know you want it!!  That's 6278 7082.  There are further photos of this car in last month's post.

U M P H.



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