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Classics by the Beach: Sunday the 3rd of June, 2018

A low sun, weak on warming but nonetheless very bright, greeted attendees at the first winter Classics by the Beach gathering at Hobart's Sandy Bay for 2018, creating long shadows, lots of contrast and bright ( specular for the photographers amongst you) highlights.  Ask any pro-photographer and they'll tell you they'd rather have clouds any day!      Not that this matters, of course!  Rugged-up car aficionados don't care how cold it gets (they might prefer it didn't rain, though) ; they attend to show, admire, and discuss beautiful classic cars and, UMPH's curmudgeonly dislike of bright winter sun aside, it was a gorgeous day for doing exactly that! This magnificent Daimler Dart (SP250 in the USA) is exactly why car-lovers flock to the bay each and every first Sunday of the month, almost irrespective of the weather.  It truly was fabulous, with a 1950s' style all of its own.  To think that the Americans - of all people! - had the temerity