From the Italian Corespondente: Alfetta Berlinetta


Today's photos come via the Italiene Correspondente, who recently found himself on the streets of Rome during the filming of a movie.  He was chuffed to see this lovely Alfetta - most likely fitted with the 1800cc twin cam engine, and probably built in the early '70s - being loaded onto a car transporter after its no doubt starring role.  

It is also possible that the car is one of the later 1600-powered Alfettas, the smaller displacement variant having started life with with one round headlight per side and not receiving its bigger brother's quad light front end until 1977.  That's what wikipedia reckons, anyway (,suspension%20%E2%80%94%20like%20its%20modern%20namesake). 

Might the IC also be making an appearance in this yet-to-be-named cinematic masterpiece?  We won't give too much away but look out for the bloke wearing a VB T-shirt, Stubbies shorts and thongs when the movie hits the silver screen early next year!  Coming soon to an art-house theatre near you with nothing but the finest subtitles!  



Photos by the Italiene Correspondente.


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