CMI Parliament House Lawns Display Now Back On! / Gratuitous Excuse to Post More Photos.

UMPH ran into Norm this morning, happily drinking coffee at his Elizabeth Street outdoor office.  He said that since the last Classics by the Beach post (4th of October this year), Club Motori Italia had reinstated its annual Parliament House lawns display.

Therefore, the info provided in that last Classics post is now incorrect, although it was accurate at the time of going to press (it was taken from CMI's own Facebook page).  So, please be advised that the event is going ahead on the morning of Saturday the 28th of October, 2017.

Not only is the Parliament House lawns display back on, it's going to be combined with a showing of Lancias that will be touring the state and, possibly, a number of Triumph sports cars, too.  That's a real bonus!  So if you were ever thinking of attending, UMPH reckons this should be more than enough to seal the deal!

Hope to see you there!  It's going to be testicoli del cane!!  




Which may, or may not, translate to the dog's bollocks!


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