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Don Mario's: November, 2023

  It's taken far too long to finally get one of the Upper Middle Petrol Head team up to George Town, in Tasmania's north, to cover a Don Mario's   cars 'n' coffee event.  It's not just the distance from UMPH HQ in Hobart that had held us back; the  extremely popular  northern show is always held on the same day as Sandy Bay's Classics by the Beach - the first Sunday of each month - creating a bit of a dilemma for our staff who are all a bit keen on sleeping in of a weekend.  Until now, that is.  Our newest recruit - he prefers the term intern whereas we call him  Work Experience Kid - has no life and was, therefore, not too hard to cajole into a very early start and a sortie to the other end of the state.  As a sweetener, we paid for his petrol and coughed up extra coin for a pie and Coke along the way! WEK tells us that, unlike Classics, Don Mario's is almost exclusively Aussie and American muscle and classic chrome bumper territory.  None of ya poncey