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Random # 271: 1980 Celica Lift-Back

This lovely - and quite clearly original - 1980 LT Celica fastback joins two other Toyotas from the same year on the UMPH site.  The first is an immaculate yellow Celica coupe ( ), the second a Corona sedan ( ). The fact that three 1980 Toyotas are still on the road doing stirling service probably won't surprise anyone, given the manufacturer's reputation for building bullet-proof cars.  However, it is sort of interesting that all three examples mentioned sport BK rego-prefixes and so presumably all rolled out of Co-Op Toyota's show rooms within months, if not weeks, of each other. The liftback featured here was in amazingly good condition, especially considering the near forty years it's been around.  The same's also true of the other two Toyotas I've just mentioned.

Readers' Photos # 30: 2019 King Island Show (Studebaker & Mustang)

The person formerly known as the King Island Correspondent has received a promotion and shall henceforth be known as the King Island Chief  Correspondent!   The KICC's first offering for 2019 comes from the island's Agricultural, Horticultural and Pastoral Society's Show, held annually on the first Tuesday of March in the west coast town of Currie ( ) . As the society's name suggests, all manner of things rural feature at the show but there are also hotly contested cookery, art and craft - including Lego building and decoupage - competitions that attract entries from many of the island's locals. More importantly, there's also a car show that features a truly amazing array of beautiful classics that defy the salty Bass Strait winds and manage to look outstanding (please also see

Classics by the Beach: Sunday the 3rd of March, 2019

Hooray for a bit of cloud cover!  It's not that I don't enjoy a nice sunny day, mind you ; my camera's the entity that objects and the contrast - if you can excuse my photographer's pun - is amply demonstrated by comparing today's softly lit images to yesterday's All Japanese Day pics with their deep shadows and glaring highlights ( ).   It was great to see Herbie Burgess' MGB right side up, wrinkle-free and on the road again after its little "off" during the 2017 Club Motori Italia Lufra hill-climb ( ) .  Not quite the relief that it was to see him out of his car, possibly shaken but not overly stirred immediately after his prang, but good to know that the car's survived, too.   Flashback to 2017:  Herbie's post-bingle MGB.