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La mia Fiat X1 / 9: The Agony and The Ecstasy

Ciao, e saluti dalla Tasmania. Ho usato Google per tradurre l'articolo, originariamente scritto in inglese, in italiano. Spero che vi piaccia!   UMPH X1 / 9 con Mt Wellington / Kunyani sullo sfondo I lettori abituali sapranno che UMPH ha una relazione a volte tesa con la sua Exxie. Lo adora quando va, l'unico problema è che, molto spesso nell'ultimo anno, si è accumulato polvere nell'angolo tenebroso del laboratorio del locale specialista italiano. (Vedere;postID=377536526271448757;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=44;src=postname.) Poi ci sono i circuiti elettrici. Perfino l'auto-elettricista regolare di UMPH cercò di smistare la miccia simile a spaghetti e la scatola dei relè, il pasticcio altrettanto labirintico dietro la consolle centrale, la chiusura centrale defunta e i motori dei fari non funzionanti, prima di cedere e portar

Random # 172: Lotus Elan + 2

If classic cars were fish and UMPH was a shooter*, a certain specialist car garage in North Hobart would be a barrel.  This absolutely gorgeous Lotus Elan + 2 was shot, photographically speaking, on a fabulously warm, sunny late Spring day.  Enjoy!   U M P H ( All iPhone images. *Why would anyone want to shoot a fish?

From the Land of the Rising Sun

"I'm turning Japanese, I think I'm turning Japanese, I really think so!"  Or so sang British 1980's one-hit winders The Vapors. UMPH may not exactly be turning Japanese but he has a particular penchant for 1970s Mitsubishis, Datsuns, Toyotas and Mazdas, especially in coupe form!  Here are a few of his favourites photographed over the last few years ... And, of course, UMPH's favourite car ever! But if even this image of the magnificent UMPH Galant fails to move you, there's always this: ! Enjoy! U M P H (

Car Enthusiasts' Drive and Lunch, 15th of November, 2017

Wayne G's monthly car enthusiasts' drives are a permanent fixture on the Hobart classic car calendar.  The format's pretty simple:  Wayne sends out an email advising of the date of the intended drive, which always begins around 11:00 am on a Wednesday and leaves from the C3 church in Anglesea Street, South Hobart (UMPH's pretty sure the event's totally secular, though!).   On the day, participants meet, coffee is consumed (sometimes cake, too) and a route guide and map is provided.  Thereafter, an orderly convoy leaves the church, en route to a pre-arranged lunch venue, usually within 45 minutes' drive of Hobart. This month's drive culminated in a very pleasant lunch at the Lauderdale Tavern, having wound its way over the Tasman Bridge, onto the East Derwent Highway, along the famed Grass Tree Hill Road (a favourite Targa stage), into Richmond Road, and through Seven Mile Beach and Acton.  The cars - Porsches, MGs, MX5s, an Austin Healey,  a Fia