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Classics by the Beach: Sunday the 3rd of March, 2019

Hooray for a bit of cloud cover!  It's not that I don't enjoy a nice sunny day, mind you ; my camera's the entity that objects and the contrast - if you can excuse my photographer's pun - is amply demonstrated by comparing today's softly lit images to yesterday's All Japanese Day pics with their deep shadows and glaring highlights ( ).   It was great to see Herbie Burgess' MGB right side up, wrinkle-free and on the road again after its little "off" during the 2017 Club Motori Italia Lufra hill-climb ( ) .  Not quite the relief that it was to see him out of his car, possibly shaken but not overly stirred immediately after his prang, but good to know that the car's survived, too.   Flashback to 2017:  Herbie's post-bingle MGB.