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Random # 233: Quentin's 1973 HQ Monaro Coupe

This is Quentin's ex-Western Australian 308 cubic inch V8-powered 1973 HQ Monaro coupe.  It's an immaculate example of the model, featuring a four-speed manual 'box, factory air-con and all its original features.  The duco is deep and lustrous (and is of an even, consistent hue, irrespective of what the following images suggest!), the chrome sparkles and the interior is like new.      Only the quad-light Premier front end differs from original spec and there's a rear spoiler, too.  That item is, however, a genuine GM option from the era, as evidenced by the slight downward line at the rear of the bottom edge of that part of the spoiler that's attached to each of the car's side panels (Quentin explained that non-genuine versions feature a straight line all the way through). The orange front indicator lens shown above is a feature of 1973 - 74 HQs   (earlier editions - those produced in 1971 and 72 - were equipped with clear lenses).  However, there&#

Car Enthusiasts' Monthly Drive and Lunch: July, 2018

Winter in Tasmania can get quite nippy.  However, that rarely prevents a reasonable turn-out for the car enthusiasts' drive and lunch that departs from the 3C Church in Anglesea Street, South Hobart, around 11:00 am on of the third Wednesday of each month.  July's event was no exception, with many attendees and their beautiful cars gathering for coffee in the 3C cafe before they all headed south into the Channel area for lunch at Oyster Cove.  Making the event even better was the addition of several cars that haven't participated before.     The lovely Triumph Herald featured above and below was one such vehicle.  According to its owner, the car was a gift from a farmer to the Dover District High School where it was restored by students.  There was quite a bit of chat about the origins of the car's front end ; the owner says it's off a Vitesse (in effect, a six-cylinder Herald ) but one chap said he'd been given to understand there was a quad-light ve

Random # 232: 1924 Vauxhall 4.5 litre OHV Tourer

This is Rob the Victorian's magnificent 1924 Vauxhall tourer, chassis number OE066.  It's fitted with a 4.5 litre overhead valve six cylinder engine, an electric starter motor and four-wheel drum brakes which, at first mention, mightn't sound like such a big deal.  However, four brakes is twice as many as earlier editions of the car had, making for a huge improvement in anyone's language! Rob and his partner (apologies for not remembering your name) were on a lightning trip to Tasmania, having only landed in Devonport earlier on the morning their car was photographed in Hobart, some 300-odd kilometers south of their arrival point.  Adding to the impressive nature of their feat was the fact they'd taken time out of their trip to drive through the snow-covered Central Highlands! The car was the epitome of British elegance, with all the style of the 1920s.  It sounded lovely at idle, too, burbling quietly and without rattles or any roughness at all. Th